Updating your opening balances in MProfit

Why should you update your opening balances in MProfit?
Importing opening balances with date, quantity & price information is essential to computing accurate Capital Gains and Portfolio Returns in MProfit.

By updating your opening balances in MProfit, you can ensure that MProfit has the required details for your investments. This effectively also ensures that the reporting MProfit provides you is accurate.

Mutual Funds

The simplest and most accurate way to import opening balances to MProfit for Mutual Funds is to import your Consolidated Account Statement (CAS) from CAMSOnline.

Learn more about requesting & importing your CAS from CAMSOnline

Alternatively, you can also manually enter your Mutual Fund transactions in the MProfit application.


For Stocks, MProfit makes it simple for you to import your Opening Balances using our Opening Balances Excel template that contains columns for all relevant trade details.

You can download this template from the link below and begin populating your data:

Download MProfit Stock Opening Balances template

Once your download is complete, open the file, read the instructions in the file and enter transaction details for all the stocks in your portfolio.

Next, in the MProfit application, click Import at the top-right. Search for the MProfit Stock Opening Balances template in the Import window and add it to My Templates.

Finally, import your file in MProfit.

Your stock opening balances will now be up-to-date.

After you have completed this one time exercise of updating your opening balances, you can start importing your contract notes and broker back-office files going forward.