Version History

Click here to download the latest version of MProfit Desktop

May 5, 2024 – v10(1041_03583)

– IPO/Div reinvest/off-market transactions now allow quantity with fractional values.
– Merger is allowed in PE. You can add the merger from Private Equity to Stock.
– Auto Transfer of Charges for stocks.
– You can now set the historical price or value of the non-system assets.
– Fractional units allowed during mutual funds merger.
– XIRR now supports all assets having corporate actions.

1. Fix for Bonus stripping cases.
2. Minor fixes in accounts.
3. Minor fixes in PMS and import.

1. Reit/Invit capital gain supported in Global reports.
2. New Debt/Hybrid capital gain reports.


December 29, 2023 – v10(1028_015)

– MProfit Import improvements and fixes
– Performance improvement in Audit Trail View
– Option to view Capital Gain reports without Bonus Stripping effect
– Dividend Reinvestment transaction added for Stocks (primarily used for ETFs)
– Other minor bug fixes & improvements


June 20, 2023 – v10(1026)

– Now up to 80 portfolios can be created in a single family!
– Capital gain reports now support REITs and InvITs
– Capital gain reports now support new Bonus Stripping regulation under Budget 2022 for AY 23-24
– New audit trail feature that can be enabled for compliance requirements
– Other minor bug fixes & improvements


June 23, 2022 – v10(1023_05)

– Significant improvement in loading the Accounts screen for locked families
– Improvement in search feature for the stock name while importing the file
– Fixed cheque number duplication issue
– Fixed issue in interest cumulative for borrowings in Accounts
– Option to select intra-day calculation or FIFO for Trading Portfolios
– Set Current price for assets with quantity during import
– Fixed minor bugs


September 1, 2021 – v10(1023_038)

– Capital gain of Gold Bonds in Accounts.
– ETF and Bonds long term / short term gain in Accounts.
– For trading portfolios, all equity/traded bonds capital gain added to trading income in Accounts.
– Treatment of capital gain of Debt ETFs as Debt Capital Gains in Accounts for sale after 1-Apr-2021.

– During Import – TDS support for dividend and FD income.
– Handle MF import duplicates and rejections in cases where external data does not consistently contain stamp duty information.
– XIRR of IPO/Installment payments with sell entry.

– Change for Capital gain ETF in Investor & Advisor reports. Debt ETFs will now be shown in debt MF reports for sales after 1-Apr-2021.
– Added Grand total in Trial Balance – Basic report.


June 1, 2021 – v10(1023)

– Accounts: For persistent auto assignments during future imports. Added feature to β€˜Add Rules’
– Two new transaction types added: NEW IPO and Installment payment.
– Added multiple assignments to a ledger during bank import.

– Fix for folio with and without β€œ/”
– New keywords and minor support for import tools.
– Fixed minor issues with Gold/Silver-transaction views.
– Fixed Read access issue while saving voucher. User having only read access, not allowed to save vouchers.
– Fix for CAS stamp duty rejection issue.
– FnO summary screen: fix to show charges for previous periods as well.

– Trial Balance report – Detailed and Basic
– Capital gain Report – ETF stocks supported under debt MF.
– New Transaction type supported in Stock Transaction, Closing Balance Report, Stock Register, Trading P/L reports

January 1, 2021 – v10(1022.045)

New Features and Big Fixes:
– Added ISIN column in Capital Gain Income Tax Format Report
– Support for import of large PDF CAS files, Multi CN PDFs
– Enabled shortcuts for accounts – Add to PMS, Assign ledger on Account Import window
– Additional Import support for various complex file formats
– Minor bug fix in bulk corporate action error
– Bug fix for creation of global ledger in accounts
– Minor bug fix for creation of duplicate voucher in accounts
– Improvement in sync to cloud with accounts data

July 7, 2020 – v10(1021)

New Features:
– Support for TDS in mutual fund dividend pay-out and dividend reinvestment transactions
– Support for STT in Mutual Fund Sell transactions
– Support for allowing import directly from Excel xlsx format
– Support for import of data from multiple excel sheets within one Excel workbook
– Support for Import of data from few banks statements that do not allow copying text
– Performance improvement in Stock Register, Closing Balance and Holding Period reports
Bug Fixes
– Fixed purchase date display issue in closing balance and holding period reports after merger and demerger of a company
– Fixed some minor bugs

May 7, 2020 – v10(1019.077)

New features & reports
– Bulk corporate action for Demerger in stocks and mutual funds
– Bulk delete of corporate action transaction for all clients for single date
– Performance improvement in global/individual closing balance report
– Performance improvement in advisor reports – Contract note report and Transaction Report
– New feature to β€œshow only used groups and ledgers” in ledgers listing
– Import support for special additional multiple date PDF contract notes and some complex Bank PDF formats


Bug fixes
– Fixed issue of closing balance while moving portfolio from one family to another, for asset having corporate action like split and merger
– Fixed display issue of multiple folios in any assets while selecting β€˜Hide zero values’
– Fixed display issue of matured FDs while selectingΒ  β€œHide Zero values”
– Fixed display issue of multiple portfolios in any assets in Group Portfolio while selecting β€˜Hide zero values’
– Fixed issue with deleting saved narration from accounts
– Fixed fractional qty issue in closing balance report due to Split or Demerger
– Fixed AUM gadget current value issue due to short sell


February 5, 2020 – v10(1019.0261)

– Increased MProfit portfolio limit from 25 up to 40 in one family
– Added new support for import of additional complex PDF contract notes and AIF statements
– Added support for import of credit card statements
– Performance improvement in global capital gain report
– Fixed bug in Due date Report for duplicate assets
– Fixed issue while adding F&O futures active instruments using Ctrl + F
– Fixed deletion of single contract notes containing stocks and traded bonds
– Fixed bug for editing global ledger
– Fixed small bug in closing balance of ISIN display
– Fixed F&O summary report for Unrealised P/L for negative quantity instruments
– Improved searching of F&O names using CRTL+F in contract note form
– Cloud Register and Sync issue fixed for US time zone
– Support for TDS field for Dividend Reinvestment in Mutual Funds
– Improved searching of F&O names using CRTL+F in contract note form
– Cloud Register and Sync issue fixed for US time zone
– Support for TDS field for dividend reinvestment in Mutual Funds

November 15, 2019 – v10(1018.0077)

New features:

Additional Import support for complex PDF file formats
Single Voucher Printing in Accounts

New Cloud Reports:

Capital Gain in Income Tax Format
XIRR Reports
Due Date Reports

Minor Bug Fixes:

Fixed issue for categorisation of mutual funds during CAS import
Fixed issue of auto ledger mapping using narration
Fixed issue of short cuts in Accounts
Fixed issue of macros in Accounts
Resolved error if MProfit App is idle for a long time

September 26, 2019 – v10(1018.0024)

Following new application features are added:

Data Lock and Unlock option for PMS/Accounts/F&O:

For PMS and F&O:
– Recalculation of portfolio summary is improved
– Lock also helps in securing the locked data and avoids modification or changes in locked data

For Accounts:
– Improvement in performance for viewing balance sheet summary screen
– All vouchers till locked period are generated and saved, which avoids regenerating the same vouchers and hence improves performance
– Lock also helps in securing the locked accounting data and avoids modification or changes in locked data

Support for AIF investments:
– Miscellaneous category renamed to AIF
– Support provided for adding manual current value to compute XIRR for AIF products

– Performance improvement in Advisor Reports such as AUM and Asset Holding Reports

Bug fixes:
– Minor bug fix in application while adding entry for Traded Bonds – Buy off Market
– Minor bug fix for checking duplicate emails in client sharing email form
– Minor bug fix in Investor historical report which shows blank for some assets
– Minor bug fix in ledger printing accounting report issue

MProfit Cloud:
Functionality to sync MProfit AccountsΒ data to Cloud to view your Balance Sheet, Profit/Loss and Ledgers.

July 17, 2019 – v10(1017.0011)

A major new update which supports MProfit Cloud and Mobile applications

MProfit Cloud:
– New web-based Cloud application to track your portfolios on web, mobile or tablet devices
– A new MProfit mobile app for Investors available on Android & iOS devices
– A new Advisor mobile app available on Android & iOS devices
– 1 free login on MProfit Cloud and Mobile per MProfit account
– New web-based Asset Allocation Dashboard for Investors
– New web-based Advisory Dashboard
– New Capital Gain report with ISIN Details as per new requirement in ITR Forms
– Improved Cloud reporting with better Excel and PDF formats
– Sharing of MProfit portfolios between Advisors and their clients with unique MProfit logins

Desktop Application:
– Deletion of buy records for rejected MF transactions from database
– Better and faster search in F&O instruments
– Improvement in loading Accounts screen
– Email management form for advisors for sharing data with clients

Reports – New Features:
– Option to see Capital Gain Reports without Grandfathering
– Added Total Charges % column for F&O Charges Report

Reports – Bug Fixes:
– Date display fix in historical report while opening report for first time
– Hide zero value ledger in Accounts Report for printing multiple ledgers
– Minor bug fixes

July 20, 2018 – v9.5(1014.0711)

Improvement and bug fixes
– Fixed minor issue in capital gains reports as per grandfathering clause
– Fixed bug in Group XIRR reports
– Fixed minor bug in editing of global ledger & group in accounts
– Improvement in performance while performing β€œUndo” of last import
– Fixed minor bug of refreshing summary screen after bulk delete

June 01, 2018 – v9.5(1014.069)

Major update for supporting grandfathering clause and bug fixes
– Support for new long-term capital gains as per grandfathering clause
– Support for new long-term capital gains in case of merger, demerger, bonus and split
– New capital gains reports with detailed view of FMV (Highest price as on 31-Jan-2018) and Cost of Acquisition (CA) (Click here to know more)
– New support for auto-calculation of purchase price with purchase dates for demerged entity transactions with respect to parent company
– Fixed incorrect gross amount for rent with TDS entry in property asset

March 05, 2018 – v9.5(1014.034)

Improvement & Minor Bug Fixes:
– New import support to handle additional formats (MProfit now supports more than 2,800 import templates)
– Application and reports now only show historical prices for the last day of the month after April 01, 2012 to maintain accuracy and improvement in performance
– Changed the default sorting to date-wise descending in global transaction report
– Single day selection in global reports enabled
– Fixed display of overall gain % in portfolio summary report
– Fixed incorrect balance quantity and value due to short sell in closing balance report
– Fixed ISIN Display issue in closing balance detailed report
– Fixed right margin printing issue in global transaction report
– Fixed refresh issue in Gadgets by recalculating closing balances
– Fixed closing balance amount issue in ledger printing report
– Fixed order of group and sub-group in trial balance report

October 09, 2017 – v9.5(1014.028)

New Features:
– New import support to handle GST details from contract notes (MProfit now supports more than 2,500 import templates)
– New import support for yearly consolidated contract notes in one PDF file from various brokers
– Contract note window – label changed to GST / S. Tax.
– Improved mapping mechanism during import to avoid losing mapping details

Improved Reports:
– Capital gains reports now show separate capital gains for traded bonds (1 year, long term) and Gold Bonds (3 year, long term)
– Support for new indexation table from 01-Apr-2017 for Debt MF & Gold bonds in global and individual capital gains reports
– Changed label β€˜Serv. Tax’ to β€˜S. Tax / GST’ in contract notes reports
– Capital gains summary reports now show five periods for advance tax planning from 01-Apr to 15-Jun, 16-Jun to 15-Sep, 16-Sep to 15-Dec, 16-Dec to 15-Mar and 16-Mar to 31-Mar

Minor Bug Fixes:
– Fixed incorrect gain/loss in multiple buys and sells within the same contract note in stock register
– Fixed incorrect balance quantity in case of merger after short sell in closing balance report
– Fixed report crash issue if instrument name was missing in F&O Summary report

June 19, 2017 – v9.5(1014.0272)

New Features:
– Addition of Sovereign Gold Bonds to the traded bonds category along with current prices. If you have already added these gold bonds under the NCD category, click here to learn how to transfer them to the traded bonds category.
– Bulk Delete option to delete records of one entire family
– Recalculate closing balances of all families
– Move MF records from one MF scheme to another within same portfolio
– Import of STT values from mutual fund CAS statement, CAMS WBR2 and Karvy 221
– Option to transfer STT along with charges in contract notes to purchase & sale value

Bug Fixes
– Fixed minor bug of capital gain calculations while using bulk corporate action for split
– Fixed minor bug in incorrect allocation of contract note charges
– Fixed display issue in Balance Sheet report for ledger names with parenthesis

April 10, 2017 – v9.5(1014.022)

Bug Fixes and Improvements in Reports
– Fixed minor bug for F&O mapping issue for active contracts
– Fixed minor bug during bank reconciliation
– Fixed price update issue after receiving data sync.
– Fixed display of negative quantities in Analytical->Asset holding report (Global report)
– Fixed minor bug in overall gain in Gadgets->Asset Under Management

January 14, 2017 – v9.5 (1014.0165)

Bug Fixes
– Fixed issue in Capital gain reports with transfer-in/out in sync data sent by Advisor
– Fixed bug in grouping of portfolios in sync data sent by Advisor
– Fixed some of the auto-mapping issue of old mutual fund schemes
– Fixed issue of -ve XIRR in some of the rare cases
– Fixed issue in manually set prices in sync data sent by Advisor
– Fixed issue in historical valuation report with manual set current value in property asset

September 15, 2016 – v9.5 (1014)

New Features
– Create Mark to Market profit/loss in F&O which can be reconciled with broker’s ledger [Click to learn more]
– Settlement of all open expired contracts [Click to learn more]
– Import support for the new format of the Consolidated Account Statement from CAMS
– Import support for auto-mapping using ISIN numbers for many additional brokers’ contract notes

New Global Reports (Pro & Advisor Version)
– β€˜Bank & Broker’ Report to see banks and Brokers’ balances for one or all families
– Transaction Reports, CN Summary and Detailed to view contract notes of all families and search any Contract note with contract no or Settl. No
– Closing Balance Report for one family or all families under one report
– Asset Holding – Closing Balances

Improved Reports
– Capital Gain Summary report – Added filter to see only intra-day, short term or long term gains
– Ledger Printing Report – Option to exclude stocks, MFs & traded bonds
– Closing Balance report, added two more columns, Curr. Price and Curr. Value
– Holding Report, added three more columns, Curr. Price, Curr. Value and Gain/Loss
– Display of current value of assets with Lock-in Period entry in due date report
– Trading Profit/Loss report of past date will show valuation of the respective date

Bug Fixes
– Fixed bug related to Capital gain for Transfer-In with IPO and Bonus
– Fixed error in Transaction report with Bonus and Split
– Fixed clubbing of buy transactions entered separately on same day in capital gain report for income tax report, now it shows individual entries
– Fixed error in report of Debt MF with Indexation if internet is not connected

April 26, 2016 – v9.4 (1013.042)

New Features and Reports
– Family-wise global transaction report
– Option to print or save capital gain calculations of all families under one report
– New closing balance detailed report with ISIN number for better analysis using Excel
– Option for sorting ledgers name-wise in β€˜Ledger Printing’ report.
– Added Ref number next to asset name in macros created for repetitive PMS entries during import
– Improvement in reconciliation during bank import

Minor Bug Fixes
– Fixed issue of updating master database which affected some users
– Fixed bug in reconciliation of PMS entries and transactions from bank statement during import
– Fixed capital gains calculation error in certain scenrios for the leap year
– Fixed bug in XIRR for FDs with zero interest
– Fixed display issue in stock register report for short sell transactions
– Fixed bug in summary capital gain report for Debt with indexation
– Fixed incorrect display of total for specific period in Group Income report in PMS

February 1, 2016 – v9.4 (1013.037)

– Improvement in bank import for reconciliation
– Fixed a bug related to closing balance after a merger
– Minor bug fixes

January 1, 2016 – v9.4 (1013.0366)

New Features:
– Live prices (End of Day prices) of traded bonds on NSE and BSE in capital market segment (Historical prices of Bonds are not supported yet)
– Earlier β€œBonds” category has been renamed as NCD/Debentures
– Transfer of assets from NCD/Debentures to Traded Bonds –
– Reassignment of asset to new bank with effective date –
– Settlement of expired options –
– Increased count to 25 from 16 portfolios in PMS & F&O together (for Pro and Advisor version)
– Increased count to 25 from 16 accounts in Account category (for Pro and Advisor version)
– Expired instruments (in F&O category) will appear with sign E in red colour on summary screen

New Reports:
– Capital Gains of Β traded bonds
– New XIRR report with Quantity
– Stocks & Mutual Fund transactions register (for Pro and Advisor version)
– Holding Period (number of days for Stocks & Mutual funds) (for Pro and Advisor version)

Bug Fixes:
– Fixed the issue of selected period for transfer of charges in contract notes
– Fixed issue of Net XIRR after data syncing in view only portfolios
– Fixed display issue of quantities in certain assets in Gadgets (AUM)
– Fixed display issue of assets with quantity with zero value in portfolio summary report
– Fixed display of missing loan category in portfolio & group portfolio summary reports
– Other minor bug fixes

AugustΒ 28, 2015 – v9.4 (1013.022)
– Changes in how XIRR is displayed in Application and in reports
– Default option for XIRR is now active assets with the option to see XIRR of all assets
– Minor bug fixes for XIRR for Group portfolio
– Fix bug related to mutual funds in Transfer-out for trading portfolio linked to account
– Fixed the display issue of TDS amount in Accounts, which was entered in PMS for Debt MF sell transaction
– XIRR report – Fixed display issue of Debt MF XIRR total which appeared blank.
– Fixed closing balance amount for IPO Rights with bonus transactions
– Some other minor bug fixes

July 23, 2015 – v9.4 (1013.0217)

New Features:
– Support for moving account from one family to another
– Automatic changing the location of brokers ledgers from Sundry Creditors to Sundry Debtors as per the closing balance
– Address and PAN fields support in manual (User created) ledgers
– TDS field in MF sell form, so while doing sell entry in Mutual funds, TDS amount also can be entered

New Accounting Reports:
– Ledger Printing report: To print multiple ledgers or of particular group or sub-group
– Confirmation or Statement of Account report
– Voucher report – To print all vouchers or of particular group or sub-group
– Improved Trial Balance Reports with opening and closing balance and with groups and sub-groups
– Improved Profit/Loss report with groups and sub-groups

Bug Fixes:
– Fixed issue of auto mapping in PMS import when codes contain β€˜&’
– Fixed display issue in XIRR MF, stocks individual report – Corrected XIRR total amount as per selection
– Corrected Trading P/L problem summary report – in current financial year after merger and sell entry
– Fixed AUM report – ULIP/Insurance price set manually will now reflect on AUM & Asset client wise holding report

May 8, 2015 – v9.4 (1013.019)

New Reports:

Under Group:
– Realised Capital Gains reports to see capital gains for all group members under one report
– Unrealised Capital Gains reports for unsold quantities to check the capital gains liabilities as on today for all group members under one report

Under Family:
– Realised Capital Gains reports to see capital gains for all portfolios within one family under one report
– Unrealised Capital Gains reports for unsold quantities to check the capital gains liabilities as on today for all portfolios within one family under one report

– Sort by today’s gain & Overall gain %.
– Support for entering bonus bonds transactions with zero values
– Direct β€œassign” from bank ledger view of vouchers posted in suspense account

Bug & Fixes:
– Auto-mapping issue of ETFs in some of the templates.
– Fixed closing balance issue in certain multiple corporate actions
– Fixed issue of auto-generated contra voucher instead of payment voucher
– Fixed other minor bugs

March 24, 2015 – v9.4 (1013.0165)

Improved access control feature:
– Category wise access control which is useful to grant access for managing certain number families to a particular user
– Option to give full write access or only read access to specific users
– Option to hide or show current value to certain users

Support for demat account-wise capital gain calculations:
– For advanced users
– With the concept of godown based capital gains and with the option to transfer shares from one demat account to another one

Improved report for AUM Report (Global Report):
– Can be customised to show current prices

Bug fixes:
– Fixed the bug related to transfer of bonds to other portfolio
– Fixed the issue of refreshing group FD current values
– Fixed the issue related to flickering of accounts screen for portfolio with many assets
– Fixed issue related to display of fraction in current value in few cases of loans repaid
– Fixes some minor bugs in reports such as AUM reports, historical reports and account reports

February 5, 2015 – v9.4 (1013.01)

– Android App (Beta) – You can receive the data from your advisor or you can view the same data on your phone.Β More information via the blog post.
– Improvement in Annualised Return (XIRR) reports. Option to see the XIRR reports and Net XIRR for only active assets.Β Also, Computation of Net XIRR now includes charges in contract notes.
– Transfer of assets to other portfolios or others (for Gift or Inheritance purpose).Β This feature was requested to take care of transfer of stocks, MFs from one portfolio to another portfolio.Β This is also very useful for those who maintain demat-wise portfolios. You can now transfer stocks from one portfolio (demat1) to anotherΒ portfolio (demat2).
– Trading Portfolio – This feature is useful whose investment income is treated as trading income. Option is provided to mark any portfolio in PMS as a trading portfolio. All capital gains for this portfolio will be treated as trading income in accounts and added in ledger called β€˜Intra-day/Trading Profit/Loss’ (Click on Edit Master and select portfolio to edit, then select the option as β€˜Trading Portfolio’)
– View Portfolio Screen with the option β€˜Sort by Today’s Gain’

November 17, 2014 – v9.4 (1013.007)

– Import of other ledgers in Accounting
– Automatic copy of portfolio data to a cloud folder for multiple license holders
– Recording of events of adding voucher entries to PMS from bank import (similar to macros). For example,Β a PMS entry of dividend pay-out or interest income from a particular asset can be automated during the bank import process
– Sync feature optimised, Β the sync will only upload data for those clients whose data has changed
– Advisors can send message to each family separately
– Negative interest amount allowed in PMS to take care of debit by banks in case of premature withdrawals
– Auto archiving of your data on your computer at regular intervals
– Feature for Switch-in/Switch-out and FD Renewal handling changed for accounting purpose to take care of 2-3 days gap between two transactions. Now all the entries are posted in the ledger called β€˜Asset Switch/Renewal’
– Better handling of duplicate entries during bank import

September 27, 2014 – v9.4 (1013.0061)

– Allocation of charges (excluding STT) in contract notes to purchase and sale amount for computation of capital gains (Click Activity Menu->Transfer Stock Contract note charges)
– Changes in calculation of capital gains for Debt MF with effect from 11-Jul-2014 as per new income tax rule
– Display of actual expiry date in application instead of number of days
– Integration of Referral account with MProfit Application
– Fixed the issue of assignment of vouchers in accounts
– In addition several bugs were fixed

August 22, 2014 – v9.4 (1013.005)

– New import engine to handle the common/combined contract note format that was mandated by SEBI as of August 1, 2014

July 30, 2014 – v9.34 (1013.002)

– Undo last import – many times people want to delete the last imported transactions
– Bulk corporate actions – dividend, bonus, split and merger can be applied to all your portfolios with a single click
– Enhanced auto mapping for mutual funds – we support more mutual funds that can get automatically mapped into our system
– Automatic year-end closing in accounts – With a single click you can transfer closing balances to the capital account
– Changes to several reports like XIRR, Group XIRR, Realized, Unrealized, Historical Pricing, Income (All Assets) and Other Transactions
– In addition several bugs were fixed

June 6, 2014 – v9.3.1 (1012.0273)

– Enhanced several reports
– Using the bank formula to calculate FDs
– Several minor bug fixes

May 9, 2014 – v9.3.1 (1012.027)

– Import bank statements into the accounting module
– Faster performance when updating the database
– Several minor bug fixes

March 18, 2014 – v9.3 (1012.0174)

– Some minor bug fixes

February 14, 2014 – v9.3 (1012.017)

– New import options
– Faster display of F&O instruments
– Other minor bug fixes

January 8, 2014 – v9.3 (1012.0167)

– Bulk import of contract notes
– Import of various sub-brokers’ tradebooks with charges (this occurs when you have multiple contract notes in a single file)
– Support for new PDF contract notes
– Fixed calculation error in miscellaneous gain in bonds if multiple bonds sold on the same date
– Fixed bug for closing balance report with part-payment in stocks
– Fixed error in XIRR report with part-payment in stocks
– Other minor bug fixes

December 10, 2013 – v9.3 (1012.0162)

– Filter based on many parameters to search vouchers in a ledger
– Trial Balance Report – Group-wise layout
– Auto-generation of recurring payment or receipt vouchers in accounts
– Assignment of multiple transactions in PMS for Switch-in/Switch-out for accounting purpose
– Fixed calculation error related to F&O P/L in accounts for manually added transactions
-Fixed minor bug related to merger transaction in capital gain report
– Fixed display issue of current price in XIRR report for free version
– Other minor bug fixes

November 15, 2013 – v9.3 (1012.015)

– Redesigned the view of ledgers list
– Option to see only those ledgers created by users
– Support for Edit/Delete of any ledger
– Support for Edit/Delete of broker
– Improved support for Global Ledger (can be used by all portfolios)
– New ledger tree in accounts
– Updated the capital gains report for debt mutual funds with indexation
– Performance improvement
– Minor Bug fixes

October 25, 2013 – v9.3 (1012.011)

– Support for renewal of bank FDs and company deposits for accounting purposes (click for details)
– Addition of β€˜Balance’ column in ledger view
– Addition of TDS field in PMS for all income types which generates automatic vouchers in accounts
– Year-wise Profit/Loss statement report
– Investor Report – Closing Balance Report: customization option provided to show negative balance values
– Account Report – Balance column added in Ledger report
– Account Report – customization option to expand and collapse ledger view
– Account Report – customization option to show and hide narration
– Account Report – Profit/Loss (Income/Expense) Report: showing profit and loss during selected period
– Fixed some minor bugs (including the AUM reports that was crashing)

October 11, 2013 – v9.3 (1012.0105)

– Introduction of the accounting module (more details)
– Support for partly paid up shares
– Provision for STT amount in sale of equity mutual funds
– Fixed several minor bugs

August 19, 2013 – v9.2 (1011.011)

Improvements in reports:
– Date of purchase added in XIRR reports
– Added total sale amount and purchase amount in capital gain reports
– Added new cost inflation index for FY 2013-14 for capital gain reports for debt mutual funds
– Customisation option added for group and individual portfolio summary reports to show/hide folio numbers
– Sorting option provided in report customisation window with β€˜Overall gain’ and β€˜% Gain’ in global reports – AUM and asset holding-client wise report
– Add two more columns – Overall gain and % gain for AUM and asset holding – client-wise gadgets, with sorting enabled for all columns. Increased the window size for both gadgets

Bugs Fixed:
– Fixed bug in profit/loss trading report after merger/demerger in stocks
– Fixed bugs in global historical rreports
– Other minor bugs fixed

May 24, 2013 – v9.2 (1011.0071)

– Fixed several bugs related to reports and viewing of Advisor data

April 30, 2013 – v9.2 (1011.0065)

– Support for auto-mapping based on ISIN codes in Karvy 221 and eCAS (monthly statement for mutual fund investors)
– Support for Ventura and Edelweiss PDF contract notes
– Fixed an issue in the Group Holding report related to stock filtration
– Fixed an issue in the F&O reports related to short selling in one FY and settlement in the next FY

March 15, 2013 – v9.2 (1011.0052)

– Dynamic search for stocks, mutual funds and F&O names
– Improved PDF support for the mutual fund Consolidated Account Statement (CAS) and eCAS files
– Fixed the issue of duplicate folio numbers while importing similar folio numbers (e.g. folio number 1457200 and 1457200/02)
– New licensing system which resolves activation issues in older operating systems
– Import support for new brokers such as Citigroup, DSP Merrill Lynch, RKSV, Zerodha and several others
– Several minor bug fixes

February 1, 2013 – v9.1.6 (1010.03)

– MProfit Investor is now free [click for more info]
– Renamed Asset Allocation report category to Advanced (which contains historical price report)
– New historical price reports Β (Pro and Advisor)
– Historical reports are available in portfolio summary, asset allocation, unrealised and realised, goal asset allocation, group portfolio summary, group asset allocation, group goal asset allocation and group holding reports
– Historical advisor reports for AUM and asset client wise holding report
– Customization option for capital gains for stocks to include intra-day
– Income Tax Report, Β shows multiple line items for same sell date and different purchase dates
– 2013 F&O instruments now appear in the drop down box
– Fixed dividend reinvestment capital gain issue
– Several bugs fixed

December 6, 2012 – v9.1.5 (1010.01991)

– Support for Zerodha, Sushil Finance, Motilal Oswal, R R Capital and Fortune CapitalΒ PDF contract notes
– Several bugs fixed

November 1, 2012 – v9.1.5 (1010.0196)

– Support PDF files
– Automate the importing of .cams and .zip files from CAMS and Karvy
– Support for merger, demerger and split in mutual funds (purchase prices and capital gains calculations are updated based on these actions)
– Ability to add a single premium policy
– Cost inflation index updated for FY 2012-13 to calculate capital gains report with indexation
– Several bugs fixed

July 20, 2012 – v9.1 (1010.0176)

– Fixed an issue with importing data

July 17, 2012 – v9.1 (1010.0175)

– Fixed a bug with F&O new instrument updates

July 10, 2012 – v9.1 (1010.0173)

– Added new contract note formats from Satco, Lalkar, Tata Securities and several more
– Several bugs fixed

July 1, 2012 – v9.1 (1010.017)

– Auto-create F&O expired assets
– Several bugs fixed

June 29, 2012 – v9.1 (1010.016)

– New Pro version
– F&O module (15 minute delayed rates)
– Several new reports

Dec 29, 2011 – v9.0

– New Advisor version
– New bulk import from CAMS, Karvy and other MF registrars
– New database format