Vivek Rege of VR Wealth Advisors (website)
Vivek started working for a firm after getting his CA intermediate. Then in 2003 he decided to setup his own financial advisory practice. VR Wealth Advisors Clientele includes individuals who work in corporates having Senior Management Positions. The Consulting Services that VR Wealth Advisors offer include Analysis, Customised in-depth Planning, Customised Structuring and Portfolio maintenance. The edge that VR Wealth has is they are constantly learning new things and open to changes.
Benefits of MProfit Advisor
Many of the tools they use are derived from Global Landscape and have been adapted to the Indian consumer. An example is a risk profiler – it looks very common and taken not too seriously at times, but they consider this to be a tool which can help manage expectations of their clients. Before using MProfit to aggregate all his clients financial data they were using Excel which is a common practice. However, overtime maintaining all this data in Excel was getting cumbersome and provided very basic information. They switched to MProfit because it was user friendly, simple to use and great responsiveness from the MProfit team which is rarely seen among the software providers. Of course, VR Wealth Advisors would like to see additional gadgets to make it easier for his team to quickly get access to Clients holdings.